Sunday, July 16, 2017


Guapos y Guapas cómo están allá Oeste? Aquí estamos obrando diligentemente! Roller Coaster week but this time a little bit more on the down slope and experiencing some tender mercies del Señor! I do not have a whole lot to write but some chill photos I'd love to share (best part). 

Update of Carrie Ruiz: welllllll two days after her crying and having a super sweet lesson she let us know like right at the end of PDAY that she had decided our church wasn't for her. Probably got fed some anti-material or just wasn't fully prepared to bring herself to repentance. Either or, we hope we get to see her again! She has such a sincere desire to have a better life. Pray for her!

Felipe Hernandez: is now basically a full pledged member and is back in ACCIÓN! This guy is a rock star. He has so much faith and came back to church yesterday for all 3 hours and participated in the meetings. Hopefully we can get him a calling soon and start just doing the little steps! Honestly this guy is my favorite moment from Lebanon so far!

So we also started teaching English this week and we are going to make a huge push this week to get people to our class on Friday! We teach English in peoples' houses as well. It is really fun and also intimidating but it is probably even more so for the hispanics haha! We do roll plays and situational stuff using posters and assign each of them homework! 

Teaching pool wise we have a few families we are working with, nothing to solid at the moment but just putting forth mucho fe, esperanza, y gratitud! 

New Finding Activity: La Pulga, this massive flea market where literally all hispanics go to buy, sell, and enjoy their free time. And boy was it fun. We aren't really allowed to hand out materials but we kinda do anyway and we might buy a table next week so tat would be really fun! A lot of people said hi to us and desired to talk to us! 

Elder Allen: Slowly but surely helping him find his groove in Spanish. As of now I have been doing the majority of the talking and teaching. I have been trying to help him no have any fear and to be super social with the hispanos! He is a great guy! We got along pretty well. The days are pretty chill and we just do what we are in control of and forget the rest. 

HAPPY Birthday to the greatest country in the world baby. God's Country!!!! Gracias a Dios!!! Love yunz 

Elder Mac

1. Mis Chicas
2. Allen tho
3-4. Guapos
5. Call 911
6. Do not bring me gossip, lets talk about Christ
7-11. Merica' meetin' 


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