Sunday, September 10, 2017


Prayers to the fam out in Houston and all my missionary friends!! Hope y'all are all safe. The Hispanics here all have family out in Texas so we have been saying a lot of prayers with families here affected by the storm! Familia it has been a pretty fun week here in Lebanon. Elder Ney and I are just doing all we can to work with the potential we have. Good stories out here. We got slammed by rain 

Javier Francisco Rico: this dude. Referral from the Sisters out in Cookeville! So since we cover the whole stake we drove and hour a a half out to Monterey Tennessee to go teach him! Supposedly he wanted to be baptized after watching the Restoration DVD so we went over and did just that. We asked him what his expectations are and he was super sincere! He lives alone and is also looking to start a family! We set a baptismal date with him for September 30! 

Sheccid y Zahred Xiquin: ahhh yes. They are great. After giving their family a church tour last week and coming to church we had a lesson with them in the chapel! It went pretty well. The girls are super shy and have had a lot of trials so we are still working on trying to get them comfortable. We taught them the Restoration and showed them the DVD. Ended up putting them on date for September 17! Not super firm but hey we will keep helping this beautiful family:) 

Ivey Villanueva: literally spent 3 hours and her place and had a great time. Even had members of the Relief Society come with us! Friday is when the weather got really bad haha...but anyways long story short we were hopeful their family would come back to church this weekend but they ended up going "flojo" again. Aka didn't show. But hey we'll keep it rollin

The Good Samaritan: actually bore my testimony on this story this week. But we were biking late Thursday night out in the streets haciendo la obra de SeƱor. We received a few calls from the other companionships in our district that a rain storm was coming in (Harvey's leftovers)....but we continued to press on and work while we could! Eventually we decided to head back and it was lightly sprinkling. However as we were turning onto the main highway heading towards our apartment, I ran over a nail and yeppppp there goes my tire. By then it was POURING rain. So Elder Ney and I just shrugged and happily walked home waving at passing cars and enjoying getting soaked. It felt so good not going to lie. We walked for about 20 minutes until this guy, who had previously passed us in his sedan and went home to get his truck; came to our rescue and loaded up our bikes and took us home! We got to talk to him about the Gospel on the way and I believe we made a good impression. Anyways, that gave me hope for the world:) 

Church:  Miriam and the whole Xiquin family came:) Esther y Raul as well came! One fantastic thing is the Hispanics always have a "Break the Fast" on Fast Sundays so basically we just eat a ton!

Also, we are meeting with ANOTHER lost sheep. Joana Ortez is the daughter of a less active named Vilma. And Vilma's sister has been investigating the church forever. But we had a pretty good appointment with them last night:) stoked for that. 

Im sitting here just grateful to be here. I will find out on Saturday if I'm finishing Elder Nay's training or not! Stay. HAPPY LABOR DAY TRABAJADORES GUAPOS Y GUAPAS 

Elder Mac 

1-2:  Celestial Housing 
3: Bomb dinna 
4: idk 
5: Pollo y Waffles 
6: Storm
7: Miley 
8: Squaw 
9: Chucked this at Elder Peterson 

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